HCaptchaTaskProxyless: solve HCaptcha without proxies

hCaptcha devs call their captcha “a drop-in replacement for Recaptcha”. We tried to create the same thing in our API, so task properties are absolutely the same as in RecaptchaV2TaskProxyless except for the “type” property.

hCaptcha example

Task object

websiteURLStringYesAddress of a target web page. Can be located anywhere on the web site, even in a member area. Our workers don’t navigate there but simulate the visit instead.
websiteKeyStringYeshCaptcha sitekey

Request example

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -X POST -d '{
}' https://api.ocrdatasolutions.com/createTask

Response example

JSON with no errors

    "errorId": 0,
    "taskId": 7654321

JSON with an error

    "errorId": 1,
    "errorCode": "ERROR_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST",
    "errorDescription": "Account authorization key not found in the system"

Retrieve the solution

Use method getTaskResult to request the solution. Give the worker about 5 seconds before making your first request. If the worker is still busy, retry in 3 seconds.

Task solution object

gRecaptchaResponseStringToken string required for interacting with the submit form on the target website.

Response example
